• Lowering Taxes and Reducing Regulation

    Lowering taxes, particularly for businesses and individuals, stimulates investment, encourages entrepreneurship, and fosters economic growth. Similarly, reducing regulatory burdens on businesses promotes innovation, job creation, and competitiveness in the marketplace.

  • Lower Energy Costs

    Streamlining regulatory processes and reducing bureaucratic barriers to energy development and innovation can facilitate market competition, drive innovation, and lower costs for consumers. State government can review and revise regulations related to energy production, distribution, and pricing to promote market efficiency and consumer choice.

  • Supporting Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

    Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, driving innovation, job creation, and economic vitality in communities across the country. By reducing barriers to entrepreneurship, providing access to capital and resources, and offering support services such as mentoring and technical assistance, we can empower small businesses to succeed and thrive.